Special jobs
We are so helpful in Year 1! This week we have chosen some superstar children to have a turn at some of our classroom jobs! These sensible children will wear a special badge during the school day, to show everybody how amazing they are at their special jobs! We will be swapping these around every half term, so everybody will get a turn!
We have loved our Computing lessons in Year 1! We learned how to log on and create a simple painting using 2Paint on Purple Mash! Keep an eye out for your logins, so you can use Purple Mash at home!
Mark Making
What a fantastic start we have had to life in Year 1! Our Art topic this half term is Mark Making, so we have been exploring lots of different lines and patterns to make a complete piece of art.
Special jobs
We are so helpful in Year 1! This week we have chosen some superstar children to have a turn at some of our classroom jobs! These sensible children will wear a special badge during the school day, to show everybody how amazing they are at their special jobs! We will be swapping these around every half term, so everybody will get a turn!
We have loved our Computing lessons in Year 1! We learned how to log on and create a simple painting using 2Paint on Purple Mash! Keep an eye out for your logins, so you can use Purple Mash at home!
Mark Making
What a fantastic start we have had to life in Year 1! Our Art topic this half term is Mark Making, so we have been exploring lots of different lines and patterns to make a complete piece of art.
Special jobs
We are so helpful in Year 1! This week we have chosen some superstar children to have a turn at some of our classroom jobs! These sensible children will wear a special badge during the school day, to show everybody how amazing they are at their special jobs! We will be swapping these around every half term, so everybody will get a turn!
We have loved our Computing lessons in Year 1! We learned how to log on and create a simple painting using 2Paint on Purple Mash! Keep an eye out for your logins, so you can use Purple Mash at home!
Mark Making
What a fantastic start we have had to life in Year 1! Our Art topic this half term is Mark Making, so we have been exploring lots of different lines and patterns to make a complete piece of art.